Lawyers for Dr. Christopher Amann in closing arguments this morning have asked for in excess of $4 million in damages from defendants Phil Brooks (CM Punk) and Scott Colton (Colt Cabana).
The lawyers for Amann broke it down as $3,989,000 in damages — as in $1 for every person who downloaded the Art of Wrestling podcast episode, plus additional punitive damages.
The WrestleZone website covered the story from the courthouse, and Observer sources close to the case confirmed the plaintiffs were seeking in excess of $4 million.
The defamation trial itself ended yesterday with testimony from AJ Lee (April Mendez), the wife of Punk, who testified she had seen the lump in question as early as August of 2013, when the two first got together and testimony from Punk’s massage therapist who said she saw the lump on January 30th, 2014, and described it as golf ball or tennis ball sized.
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