Bully Ray Pitches Fun Becky Lynch Storyline On Busted Open Radio

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On the latest episode of Busted Open Radio, host Bully Ray breaks down Sunday’s Stomping Grounds pay per view, and even pitches an interesting idea to help Raw women’s champion Becky Lynch further get over with the crowd. The fantasy-booked angle involves Lynch standing up to Brock Lesnar during an attempted cash-in on Seth Rollins.

Two moments that I see possibly happening. Seth and Becky face-to-face…maybe about to go for a kiss…Brock Lesnar’s music hits…or…Seth is down, Brock’s music hits, and Becky is the one having to stand in front of Brock Lesnar. We talked about making somebody. Outside of the box ways of making somebody. We agree that Becky was at her highest since WrestleMania…since WrestleMania not as high. All you need to do is see Becky Lynch stand up to Brock Lesnar. Not physically, just stand face to face with him.

Bully Ray would then compare the situation to All In, when IMPACT star Jordynne Grace stood face to face with him during the Over-Budget Battle Royal.

She stood face to face with me. In that moment Jordynne was made because she had the guts to stand up to me. It’s that moment in time that tells everybody ‘Wow…look at this girl. So yeah, her throwing Brian Cage out of the ring, that was cool physically, but man I got to see how much guts she had because she stood up to this bully. She stood up to this monster. How much guts would Becky Lynch have if she stood up to the Beast?

He continues…

I’m not saying that physicality has to happen. I’m not telling you that Becky Lynch is going to layout Brock Lesnar. If Brock Lesnar F-5’d Becky Lynch I’d be in my glory. I would love that. I would have Heyman handcuff Rollins to the ropes, and F-5 Becky Lynch, and just dangle that briefcase right in front of him.

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