Doggie Debauchery: Massachusetts Woman Calls 911 On Mating Dogs

ATTLEBORO, MA — In puppy Dusse’s defense, getting frisky with a female dog at the Attleboro Dog Park this week probably didn’t seem inappropriate — can a dog even make such judgments? — but was just the natural thing to do. But it caused a minor stir that involved a 911 call and an explanation by a dog park employee that while the activity was normal, it was “inappropriate.”

Dusse was fairly persistent, said his owner, Franklin Baxley, 42. The lustful puppy attempted to hump the female dog three times.

Baxley apologized to the female’s owner after they pulled the pooches apart for the last time and explained that that a puppy’s gonna do what a puppy’s gonna do.

The woman apparently wasn’t satisfied, however, and called the police. Baxley filmed the encounter and the call and made several references to the incident on his Facebook page. In one post he asked, “Why did this lady just call the cops on me claiming my dog ‘assaulted’ her dog when it tried to hump her dog?”

In another, he said the woman was “behaving as if she is threatened by me and is accusing me of following her around the park as I am following my dogs like any other dog owner. I was annoyed, so I began mocking her.”

Baxley told Yahoo Lifestyle the woman, who is referred to on Twitter as #DogParkDebbie, told him he needed to leave the dog park.

“She said, ‘I think you need to leave because your dog keeps doing that,’ ” Baxley said. “I said I wasn’t leaving, and she took out her phone and called 911. It escalated quick.”

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Police left without issuing any tickets, but a park employee reportedly told Baxley, “You cannot allow your dog to aggressively hump another dog.”

Baxley’s dog also got some unwanted attention from another male dog — dogs do this kind of thing, too — but no one complained, according to his posts.

He told Yahoo he has no plans to curb his dog park visits.

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