It was previously reported that WWE COO Triple H & WWE CBO Stephanie McMahon was recently interviewed by the folks from Sports Business Journal on a number of topics. During the interview, Stephanie revealed that WWE’s long term goal is to have a business plan similar to Disney’s. Triple H also took some time to talk about what Vince McMahon has done for The WWE over the years.
Stephanie says that she believes WWE can appeal to both children and adults because of the “sophistication” in their writing, as seen below:
“I think that’s just sophistication in the writing process,” Stephanie said. “You think about Disney, it definitely appeals to families and kids but it appeals to both adults and kids at the same time because of the different levels of the writing. And we can always improve and always do better, and that’s what we always strive to do.”
Stephanie then says that she knows such a growth can’t just happen overnight, however, she sees a business plan similar to Disney’s as the long term goal within WWE, as seen below:
“We’ve always said, ‘Why can’t WWE be as big as Disney?’ The reason acquisition of course puts that off a little longer, maybe 20-30 years from now, but I do think that’s an important perspective: the long term strategy and thinking,” Steph explained. “But also, all of our lines of business, they really are more akin to Disney. We are a media property with the consumer products, television studio, film studio, etc. We have all of the different aspects of that wheel.”
Tripe H then mentions that they sometimes put a lot of attention and effort into their non-televised, live WWE Shows, as seen below:
“Sometimes our live events happen to be more fun. And that’s what we try to do, is make them more fun and give you some stuff that you would never get the opportunity to see, maybe at Monday Night RAW or WrestleMania even, because it’s non-televised and we can go out and do that extra thing because we’re not having to stay as dead on to a particular storyline, or episodically [keep everything] motivated, Triple H explained. “We can give you that crazy thing that you thought you would never see in a million years and then it happens in that live event and you were there. That’s the difference for us, so we’re always trying to re-imagine how we create that experience.”
Triple H then says that he gives a lot of credit to Vince McMahon for how he has been able to make the company evolve and stay relevant for all these years, as seen below:
“It’s one of the things that Vince has done so successfully and he’s not given enough credit for a lot, is being able to shift with the time and being slightly ahead of it,” Triple H said. “As he sees the shift happening, he’s able to morph, whether that be with the character, whether that be with the television show and production, whether that be tearing up your PPV model that your business is built on and saying I’m going to start this over and I’m going to go to an OTT model because I can see the world heading in that direction.”
You can check out the full interview in the video below:
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