In Photos: Women Worldwide Strike, Protest, and Rally for #DayWithoutAWoman

Women are striking, protesting, and rallying for their rights across the United States and around the world on Wednesday in honor of International Women’s Day.

The U.S. strike, known as “A Day Without a Woman” and organized in solidarity with an international strike, will see women across the United States taking to the streets to voice opposition to the anti-women stance of the Trump administration and the Republican Party, and in support for women’s rights worldwide. The strike is so widespread that multiple schools are closing for lack of teachers, as Common Dreams reported.

In Boston, a downtown demonstration will protest the gender wage gap, in support of working women. In Lansing, Michigan, women are flooding the capitol steps to advocate for gun control. In Washington, D.C., House Democratic women are staging a walkout and rallying at the capitol building at 12pm EST; a “Stop the Gag” demonstration at 11am will see women marching to the White House demanding an end to the global gag rule; and a “Womens Workers Rising” rally at the U.S. Department of Labor is planned for 3:30pm.

Worldwide, women in more than 50 countries are demonstrating against misogyny and demanding rights and equal wages.

In Dublin, Ireland, for example, women have flooded the streets by the hundreds to protest the country’s abortion ban. In Juarez, Mexico, women are painting black crosses on lamp poles to raise awareness of state’s epidemic of missing and murdered women. And in Kiev, Ukraine, and Tbilisi, Georgia, women rallied in enormous numbers against the wage gap and patriarchal laws.

Below are photos from actions celebrating women and advocating for equal rights around the world:

Follow along with the day’s actions on social media under the hashtags #WhyIStrike, #DayWithoutAWoman, #WomenStrike, #March8Strike, and #InternationalWomensDay:

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