Keystone XL Pipeline at Top of GOP Agenda in 2015

The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is set to hold a hearing next week to discuss the Keystone XL pipeline.

The hearing will take place on January 7, once Republicans retake control of the Senate. The committee will consider legislation that, if approved, would push the controversial $7 billion project forward after years of resistance from environmental organizations and some Democrats in Congress. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) vowed to make Keystone a top issue, saying before the end of this year’s session that it would be the first item brought to the floor by the GOP in 2015.

In November, the Senate—then still majority Democrat—rejected a bill to approve the Canada-to-Texas pipeline by a single vote. Republicans promised to move the bill forward once they took control of the Senate in January.

The January 7 hearing will be the first one held by new chairwoman Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska).