Olympian & Mystery Man Rule at Pub Stop No. 2

Beautiful weather for Evan’s Run in tony Norwell. After an 8th
place finish at Doyle’s, HFC “mystery man” Scott Wisnaskas ran what he termed his “first real race in four
years” and came away the victor at the 5K distance in 15:57. Scott’s is an
injury tale of woe we’ll save for the mag but his effort placed him 4th on the
Series leaderboard behind 2-3-4 Evan’s Run finishers TJ Unger (16:14), Lee
(16:17) and top Master Greg
(16:26). SRR’s Chris
(whose wife Elizabeth
gave birth early and thus Chris missed Boston, not Doyle’s) piled in 5th at
16:34 to duplicate his place in the standings.


Past Mexican Olympian Maria
, 51, has run here before but missed the race because of a USATF-NE
GP conflict for several years. Not this time around. “I love this course,”
gushed Servin after crushing the women’s field in 18:43 (6:01 pace). Maria’s
Whirlaway teammate, Holly Madden,
took 2nd in 19:43 to the B.A.A.’s Amanda
3rd in 19:51 and thus is 1-point behind Series’ leader Watters
heading into race No. 3.


Team Fabulous frontwoman Candice Gagnon had another magnificent race as she placed 4th and
moved into the 3rd position on the leaderboard. Placing 5th was the
irrepressible Jacqui Jackman with
top Master Lisa Williams in 6th. Ocean
Stater Jackman is now just 2-points in arrears of Williams, who holds down the
Series 4th spot. Jacqui’s hubby, Bob,
won the 10K in 35:55.


Of age group note, Jan
has hit the BIG 7-O, which means Stowe, VT’s Patty Foltz can double up on the post-race Heady Toppers. Jan ran
23:22 to place 16th among women.


It was sun and fun post-race at McGreal’s Tavern
where Mary Ann kept the grills fired
and Jack’s Abby was served to the thirsty masses. A great little band called
Sound Street played in the adjacent graveyard.


Things will shake out in two weeks after the 3rd race in the
Series ‰ÛÓ the Corrib Pub 5K on June 1 ‰ÛÓ as pretenders will fall to the wayside
to reveal the true ingredients in this year’s malt and hops race to glory. Men’s Standings   Women’s Standings

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