As U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) urges the president-elect “to heed the views of progressives,” protests continue in cities across the U.S. on Saturday, with participants driven by “outrage and fear” over Donald Trump’s electoral victory.
Describing the continued demonstrations, the New York Times writes that “a national resistance among liberal activists and others who say they do not support his presidency is rising in response to the election in a way not seen in modern presidential history.” They also, as Common Dreams reported, “continue amid a reported increase of abuse and assaults against Muslims, people of color, immigrants, women and girls, and the LGBTQ community, among other minorities.”
“On Friday night,” the Washington Post reports, “people marched in cities including New York, the District, Dallas, Miami, Orlando, Raleigh, and Portland—where, for a second night, demonstrations turned violent. More rallies were planned through the weekend in scattered cities.”
Though they have been largely peaceful, one of the protesters in Portland who faced tear gas and flash-bang grenades was shot in the early hours on Saturday.
Sixty-five-year old Leslie Holmes, a resident of Wilton, Conn. who took part in a New York City anti-Trump demonstration, said to Reuters Saturday, “I don’t want to live in a country where my friends aren’t included, and my friends are fearful, and my children are going to grow up in a world that’s frightening, and my granddaughters can look forward to being excluded from jobs and politics and fulfilling their potential, so I’m here for them.”
Some of those protesting in New York, the Huffington Post reports, held signs reading “hate won’t make us great” and “not my president”—a hashtag many on Twitter were also using to document similar actions.
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