ROH TV results: Dalton Castle vs. Christopher Daniels and the Top Prospect tournney finals


Flanked by the Boys, Dalton Castle recalled an evening of running a lavender scented salt bath, eating snacks such as macaroons and sipping mojitos. On this particular night despite all that, Castle said he was still hungry though not for food. Rather, he was hungry for victories, and he craved a lot of them.

“I’ve got my eyes set on the moon, and I’m going to take it,” Castle said. “But unfortunately for you, Christopher Daniels, that means I’m going to break your heart.”

The threat of heartbreak loomed until Castle and Daniels would meet later on in the main event. Much like Dalton talked of gazing at the moon in reference to reaching new heights, a theme throughout this episode was the showcasing of rising stars in the promotion.

That all begins with the finals of the Top Prospect Tournament.

Lio Rush beat Brian Fury in the finals to win the Top Prospect Tournament

The story was the young upstart countering his more seasoned opponent. Fury would seemingly have the advantage when Rush would fire up. After some early mat wrestling, Rush did a flip dive over the top rope onto Fury on the floor. Moments later, Fury cut him off and threw him into the guardrail. After a commercial break, Rush got a hope spot only for Fury to cut him off yet again.

They did some unique moves like Rush doing a tilt-a-whirl into a tornado DDT. Rush got a nearfall after a frog splash. Fury countered and used a rollup for two count when the referee caught him holding the ropes for leverage. Seconds later, Fury gave Rush a pop-up powerbomb for a nearfall and a dramatic false finish. Rush then jumped into a wacky finisher that was sort of a crossbody morphed with a slingblade. Rush covered Fury for the pin to not only win the tournament but also earn himself a shot at the TV title.

Backstage, reDRagon cut a promo hyping the tag team gauntlet match on the next episode. According to them, no other team was better than them.

Moose beat Kongo

Stokely Hathaway was absent from the corner of Moose. The announcers noted that Moose and Kongo had an impressive match at a tryout camp some time back so the two had history. A slugfest ensued at the outset then they began brawling around ringside. They sent each other crashing into the guardrail and Kongo did a cannonball sandwiching Moose into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Kongo splashed Moose a few times, including once or a two count. Moose hulked up into a comeback that led into a lariat and a somersault senton for a nearfall. Nevertheless, Kongo cut him off with a running tackle. Moose countered then did a springboard off the top rope into a crossbody. Moose followed that with a spear for the pinfall. 

The Young Bucks cut a promo backstage hyping the tag team gauntlet match on the next episode. They invited everyone to a superkick party.

Seemingly pressed for time, a match with Cheeseburger vs. Mike “P-Dawg” Posey was edited down to just highlights. Before the match, P-Dawg, doing a white rapper gimmick, was rapping alongside his posse. Cheeseburger ran in to clean house. He laid everyone out with plam strikes.

In the melee, Cheeseburger paused when he encountered a woman from the posse. Another more muscular woman, Merica Strong (no relation to Roddy Strong), stepped in to confront Cheeseburger. He shrugged as if contemplating the ethics of striking a woman before hitting her too with the palm strike.

In a match that never took place, Cedric Alexander and Adam Page each both got full entrances. Joining Cedric as per usual was Veda Scott, in her wrestling gear this time no less. Page was alone and had a new entrance video and attitude to go along with his singles push. Page looks to be coming out of his shell and breaking out on his own.


Before the match could start, BJ Whitmer ran in to attack Page. He began pummeling him when Cedric joined in on attacking Page. Jonathan Gresham made the save and they all started brawling. The babyfaces cleared the ring to stand strong as the heels bailed out to flee the scene. This would seem to set up a tag team match with all the involved parties though nothing was officialy annonced as of this episode.

In a precussor to the TV main event, Silas Young joined Kevin Kelly and Mr. Wrestling III on commentary to discuss his ongoing issues with the Boys and Dalton. During the entrance of Castle, the Boys did their usual routine yet were still selling the beating from the previous episode they suffered at the hands of Silas and the Beer City Bruiser.

Christopher Daniels (with Kazarian) beat Dalton Castle (with the Boys)

Early on, Silas stood up at ringside and Dalton reacted defensively. Silas said he was just straightening his pants to “readjust things” before he sat back down to provide more guest commentary.

There was more comedy of course. Castle started by taunting Daniels by doing a posing routine. Daniels followed suit a few moments later by mocking the pose. Later, they had a stare down that became a pose-off, with each trying to lean back farther and further than the other. Daniels hilariously took a bump and fell on his ass before throwing a temper tantrum. The Boys fanned him to help cool him off.

Kazarian stalked around ringside while Daniels began to shine up Castle displaying his great psychology. Castle went into a comeback and started throwing suplexes. He got a nearfall with a bridge after a German suplex. Kazarian looked concerned. Castle executed a hurricanrana on Daniels as they fought at ringside. Castle then turned around and decked Kazarian with a punch.

Subsequently, Castle dived off the top rope only to miss a flying crossbody. A sneaky Kazarian handed Daniels a pair of pliers. Daniels went to use the pliers as a weapon when one of the Boys hopped on the apron and took the pliers away from Daniels by poking him in the eye with the feathers from his fan. Kazarian tried to interfere and Castle knocked him off the apron. Castle went for his Bang-a-Rang finisher but Kazarian hooked Castle’s leg so Daniels could escape. Daniels followed up by delivering his Angel’s Wings finisher and covering Castle for the pin.

Afterwards, Silas berated Dalton over losing. Dalton said Silas was right about him losing. He noted that was confusing since he was “fantastic” and everybody on “Planet Peacock” knows it.

“You can bet your balls I’m going to win every championship that this world has to offer,” declared Dalton Castle.

However, Dalton went on to basically say he could not move on until first settling his issues with Silas. This led to Dalton challenging Silas to a Fight Without Honor for what is seemingly the blow-off match to their feud. Silas nodded approvingly like he accepted the challenge.