TNA Impact Report – 6/14/16

– Tonight’s TNA Impact Wrestling opens up from Orlando with new TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley in the ring. Lashley lets the fans get out all their boos. He says he told everyone he would take the title and he did. He calls himself the most dominant champion TNA has had. He says he’s better than everyone in the back and everyone in the crowd. Lashley says he’s the best wrestler in the business today. Lashley talks about breaking Kurt Angle and Drew Galloway. He says “Gold Rush” is tonight as in he holds the gold and everyone is rushing to get out of the back because they don’t want to face him. He’s interrupted by Ethan Carter III.

EC3 hits the ring and challenges Lashley to a title match for tonight. Lashley mocks EC3 and says he’s not real, nothing about him is. Lashley says EC3 isn’t even close to being ready for him. Lashley says there will be no one left standing after he beats EC3 tonight. The music hits and out comes Drew Galloway, who lost the title at Slammiversary on Sunday.

Galloway says he’s still standing and EC3 needs to get to the back of the line because he wants his title back. Lashley says Galloway looks like garbage and he takes pleasure in the fact that he made him look like that. Drew says he feels and looks like hell. He says they went to war and Lashley beat him but he sure as hell didn’t break him. Lashley says Galloway will never beat him. Galloway reveals he’s using his rematch clause tonight and that will be the main event. The music hits as we go to Josh Matthews and The Pope.

– We see TNA King of the Mountain Champion Eli Drake, X Division Champion Eddie Edwards and Tag Team Champions The Decay all backstage as they wait to defend tonight.

TNA King of the Mountain Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Eli Drake

We go to the ring and out first comes Jeff Hardy to a pop. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes TNA KOTM Champion Eli Drake. Drake takes control early on but Jeff sends Drake to the floor. Hardy kicks him back into the barrier. Hardy runs the ropes but misses a dropkick to the floor and Drake floors him with a clothesline. Drake sends Hardy into the barrier and goes back in the ring as the referee counts.

Drake keeps control. Hardy tries to make a comeback but Drake catches him in a big powerslam for a 2 count. Hardy knocks Drake down and goes to the top but Drake crotches him. Drake climbs up for a super backdrop but Hardy elbows him to the mat. Hardy nails Whisper in the Wind for another close call. Drake springboards in but Hardy catches him and hits the leg drop and kick for a 2 count. Jeff rallies but Drake blocks the Twist of Fate. Drake with a powerslam for a 2 count.

Hardy blocks Blunt Force Trauma and hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top for the Swanton and nails it. Hardy covers for the pin but Matt Hardy rushes the ring and bites Earl Hebner’s hands. Jeff dropkicks Matt as the bell is called for.

Winner by DQ: Jeff Hardy

– After the bell, Jeff throws a chair at Matt as he backs up the ramp with blood in his mouth. Jeff looks back at the ring and Drake, who retains, as we go to commercial.

– Backstage segment with Galloway and EC3 talking about their title shots against Lashley. Galloway says EC3 will get his title shot but it’s going to be against him. Galloway walks off on good terms with EC3.

– We go back to the ring and Jeff Hardy has a mic. He says he’s really beat up after Slammiversary but he kills himself to hurt his brother to hopefully put an end to their feud. Jeff says Matt is still out of his deranged mind but he wants to end this tonight. Jeff calls Matt to the ring.

Matt appears in the rafters and they trade promos. Jeff grabs a table but Matt challenges him to come fight with honor. Jeff runs up and they start brawling up high. Reby Sky appears and sprays Jeff with a fire extinguisher. Matt ends up sliding Jeff down the railing to the floor, into a table.

– Still to come, more title matches. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Matt Hardy reveals that he will face Jeff in a Six Sides of Steel match next week.

TNA X Division Title Match: Trevor Lee vs. Eddie Edwards

We go to the ring and our comes Trevor Lee with Shane Helms. New TNA X Division Champion Eddie Edwards is out next. Lee nails Eddie with a kick on the floor and brings him in the ring as the bell rings. Lee with a quick 2 count.

Back and forth throughout the match. Edwards ends up taking Helms out on the floor. He comes back in with the Boston Knee Party to the face for the win.

Winner: Trevor Lee

– After the match, Edwards celebrates.

– We get hype for tonight’s Hall of Fame announcement. Back to commercial.

– Backstage segment with BroMans plugging Big Brother coming to POP TV. They think they can use a bunch of cameras in the Impact Zone to win the TNA Tag Team Titles. They use it to take a peek in Raquel’s dressing room.

– Lashley approaches EC3 backstage. Lashley tells EC3 to watch close to what he does to Galloway tonight because the same thing will happen to him soon. Lashley walks off but EC3 tells him he’s coming.

– We go to the ring and the TNA roster is on the stage. Dixie Carter comes to the ring for the TNA Hall of Fame announcement.

Dixie talks about how proud she is to establish the Hall of Fame. She says TNA is entering their fifteenth year and gets a pop. She thanks the men and women who helped build the company. She says the next inductee came to TNA looking for an opportunity but found a family. She says this individual has defined a division and raised the bar so high that she changed how people look at the sport. Dixie announces Gail Kim as the 2016 TNA Hall of Fame inductee. Gail looks surprised and makes her way to the ring.

They air a nice video package for Gail and we come back to fans chanting “thank you Gail” to her. Dixie praises her for creating the greatest women’s wrestling division and says she will go down as one of the greatest women in the sport. Dixie confirms the induction will take place during Bound For Glory weekend. She hands the mic to Gail and fans chant for her again. Gail thanks the fans and says she’s so humbled right now. She’s so appreciative of Dixie and the company giving her the platform to do what she does best – perform in the ring. Gail says she got into the business because she loves wrestling. She’s fortunate to have a 16 year career and that’s because of TNA. She thanks TNA, Dixie and all the girls she’s ever worked with. She wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. Dixie raises Gail’s arm and the music hits as they exit with the roster looking on.

– The announcers hype tonight’s show as we see other wrestlers greeting Gail on the stage.

– TNA Tag Team Champions The Decay are backstage talking about the victory they’re about to get tonight. Back to commercial.

– JB is backstage with Marti Bell, who caused Jade to lose the Knockouts Title at Slammiversary. Marti is upset about Jade winning the title and forgetting about their friendship. Jade appears and attacks Marti, leaving her laying.

TNA Tag Team Title Match: The Tribunal vs. Grado and Mahabali Shera vs. The BroMans vs. The Decay

We go to the ring and out comes TNA Tag Team Champions Abyss and Crazzy Steve with Rosemary. We see Jessie Godderz, Robbie E, Basille Baracca, Baron Dax, Grado and Shera at ringside. Al Snow and Raquel are also at ringside. Dax starts off with Shera.

The Decay end up retaining after a bunch of chaos.

Winners: The Decay

– Maria Kanellis and Mike Bennett are backstage. They’re upset about how they were treated on Sunday and Gail Kim going into the Hall of Fame. Mike says he has their bags packed to walk out but Maria has a better idea… them in the ring. Back to commercial.

– We come back and Jeff Hardy accepts Matt’s challenge for Six Sides of Steel to end their feud next week.

– We go to the ring and out comes Mike Bennett with Maria Kanellis. Bennett starts ripping on the fans, saying the company was in desperate need of a hero and he was that hero, but no matter what he did or gave the fans, he was never appreciated.

Bennett talks about how he’s a celebrity everywhere he goes. Maria takes the mic and gets big heat as she talks about how they came to TNA to save the company. She says everything is a conspiracy by TNA management, who does not want to see them succeed. Bennett calls Dixie to the ring to take the loss from the record books so he can be the hero TNA needs. Billy Corgan’s music hits and out he comes instead.

Corgan says he loves them both and they’re the future of the company but he’s not doing business like this. Corgan says one of his assistants will set up a meeting any time they want. Bennett says he doesn’t do meetings, the ring is his boardroom. Bennett says he’s not mad, he’s just disappointed. Maria says Dixie sent Corgan to do her dirty work but she needs to bring her butt out and handle her own work. The music hits and out comes Dixie to the ring. Maria runs her mouth to Dixie. Dixie tells her to shut up and says they are live tonight, and Maria is wasting time that they could be wrestling. Dixie says Maria has had 0 one-on-one matches since coming in. She says the fans are sick and tired of hearing Maria talk. Dixie tells them to send an e-mail and set up a meeting but they’re not doing this in the ring. Maria tells Dixie to start pointing fingers at herself because she’s the problem. Maria says she could run the show better than Dixie. Maria asks Billy to agree and says the three of them always talk and have good ideas but Dixie just wants to shut her up. Maria goes on and backs Dixie up by jabbing her finger at her. Dixie slaps Maria to the mat. Corgan stands with Maria and Bennett as Dixie leaves the ring.

– Still to come, Lashley vs. Galloway. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and it’s time for the main event. EC3 joins Pope and Josh on commentary.

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: Drew Galloway vs. Bobby Lashley

We go to the ring and out comes Drew Galloway for his Slammiversary rematch. TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley is out next. The bell rings and Lashley immediately goes for the taped up ribs.

Galloway fights back and ends up hitting a German into the ropes. Galloway with chops in the corner now. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Galloway fights Lashley outside of the ring with chops. Lashley drops Galloway over the barrier and breaks the count. Lashley steps on Galloway and sends him onto the steel steps. Lashley drops Galloway’s ribs on the apron. Lashley brings it back in the ring and they go back to the floor. Lashley stops to talk trash to EC3 but Galloway takes advantage and attacks. Lashley counters and whips Galloway face first into the ring post.

Lashley brings it back in with a big suplex. He exposes Galloway’s injured ribs and readies for a spear. Galloway counters and goes for an armbar but Lashley quickly makes it to the bottom rope. Lashley turns it back around and stands tall. He goes for another suplex but it’s blocked. Galloway drops Lashley with a neckbreaker and both are down now. Lashley misses in the corner and Galloway goes to the top. Lashley catches him in mid-air with a Crossface. It’s broken and they trade counters. Galloway hits a piledriver for a close 2 count. They end up on the top again. Galloway nails a super Celtic Cross for another 2 count. The referee ends up going down with a Claymore Kick from Galloway. Lashley hits a spear but the referee is down. Lashley picks Galloway up, smiles and hits another spear.

Lashley brings a steel chair in the ring but EC3 stops him. They have words and EC3 nails a clothesline. They fight and Lashley sends EC3 to the floor. He brings the chair back in but Lashley moves and EC3 hits Galloway over the back with the chair. Lashley spears EC3 out of the ring. Another referee runs in as Lashley applies the triangle on Galloway for the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

– After the match, Lashley celebrates with the title. Matthews just called this an extended episode but it’s ending 20 minutes early apparently.

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