U.S. Coronavirus: Country Has The Most Confirmed Cases In World

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The United States has the most confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the world, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins.

As of Thursday evening, more than 82,000 Americans were known to have been infected with coronavirus, a total that exceeds both China and Italy.

In other news on Thursday, a record number Americans filed for unemployment last week. The total of more than 3.3 million claims was the biggest single-week record in U.S. history.

The unemployment report was released hours after the U.S. Senate approved the largest relief legislation in the country’s history, a package of nearly $2 trillion to help American workers and businesses in the fight against the new coronavirus crisis.

Not everybody will be getting a check for at least $1,200, as some lawmakers had advertised; some people will receive far less and others will get no check at all.

You can calculate how big a check you should be receiving here.

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READ MORE: A Record 3.3 Million Americans Filed For Unemployment Benefits


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