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TORCH TODAY – Wednesday, December 9
– LIVECAST ALERT: Pat McNeill has an All-Star Panel on today’s PWTorch Livecast at 5:00 p.m. EST. Find out the details at PWTorchLivecast.com.
– Jim Ross, who guests on Thursday’s PWTorch Livecast, has a new podcast interview with Kevin Sullivan at PodcastOne.com. Sullivan discusses the Chris Benoit tragedy, booking WCW, how he’d book Brock Lesnar, what the wrestling business needs in order to grow, and more topics.
– “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson is attached to a new action movie through New Line Cinema. The untitled movie project is being fast-tracked to production, reports Deadline.com. Rock commented on the movie news via Twitter.
– Recent TNA Hvt. champion Ethan Carter III talked to the Huffington Post about TNA trying to find a new identity moving to Pop TV in January. “When TNA has gone through changes in the past, we brought in big names to hopefully spike business, but that didn’t really work out,” ECIII said before stressing TNA’s emphasis on homegrown talent.
The emphasis is also due to TNA’s current budget not allowing them to bring in as many big names as in the past, prompting the decision to focus on lesser-known stars. “The move is going to be a great forum to show the world these talents we’ve developed. Plus we offer core fan favorites and the legacy of Kurt Angle, Jeff and Matt Hardy, who are there to build the name recognition of the product. I think we’re in a great position to make a big impact,” ECIII said.
– While on a hunting trip in Ohio for his TV show, Shawn Michaels wanted to see Santa Claus. So, Michaels and his co-host Keith Mark surprised a local church by stopping in to see Santa, took photos, and made a donation to the youth group.
“Keith and I are kind of old-fashioned and traditional. We just happened to hear about it, went down to the church, made a donation, did some crafts with kids and made a night of it. It was a lot of fun. I guess I’m just guilty of being a big kid,” Michaels told the local Messenger newspaper.
– TV WRESTLING: WWE NXT has the final hype for the next Takeover special. The main event is NXT champion Finn Balor & Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe & Baron Corbin. … TNA Impact has the quarterfinals of the TNA Title tournament with Ethan Carter III vs. Davey Richards, Bobby Lashley vs. Shera, Matt Hardy vs. Jessie Godderz, and Eric Young vs. Tigre Uno. … ROH TV on Comet TV has a big tag main event of The Briscoes vs. Young Bucks.
– WWE NETWORK HIGHLIGHTS: A new episode of “Unfiltered” with Renee Young is out at 4:30 p.m. EST. This week, Renee interviews Sasha Banks. This week’s NXT episode then airs at 8:00 p.m. EST.
– NXT star Sami Zayn is scheduled to make his in-ring return from injury at Thursday’s NXT show in Newcastle when the U.K. tour kicks off. Zayn is scheduled to face NXT champion Finn Balor on the show.
– Bob Backlund was interviewed on-camera by satellite radio host Sam Roberts promoting his new “Backlund” book. It’s a 40-minute interview covering Backlund’s life and wrestling career.
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