PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a special Thursday Flagship edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast featuring a WrestleMania 36 Preview with ex-WWE Creative Team member and professional stand-up comedian Matt McCarthy.
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The following is the latest in a new series of weekly in-depth articles exclusive to PWTorch which will help put in perspective major wrestling promotions with a weekly overview, looking at news and roster developments, results, future line-ups, social media activity, key interviews, plus a timely commentary at the end. We will be featuring similar features on other promotions each week and each will be updated weekly.
•Top Stories of the Week
Two more matches have been announced for the Best in the World PPV. These matches involve the ROH Six-Man Champions as well as Kelly Klein the current WOH champion. See below for full details.
It has been reported by multiple websites that ROH has resigned Jonathan Gresham. It has also been reported that Maria Manic has been signed to ROH in recent days. No reporting is available as to when Manic will premiere for ROH.
•Live Event Results
There were no live events this week.
•Upcoming Major Show(s)
ROH Best In The World (PPV Event)
UMBC Event Center 8pm
Baltimore, MD
This is the up-to-date card:
Matt Taven (c) vs. Jeff Cobb for the ROH World Championship
Shane Taylor (c) vs. Bandido for the ROH World Television Championship
Dalton Castle vs. Dragon Lee
Flip Gordon vs. Rush
Silas Young vs. Jonathan Gresham in a Pure Rules Match
Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll, PCO, and Brody King) (c) vs. PJ Black, Mark Haskins, and Tracey Williams for the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship
Kelly Klein & Jenny Rose vs. The Allure (Angelina Love & Mandy Leon) in a Tag-Team match
•Upcoming Events
ROH Best In The World (PPV Event) 6/28/19 in Baltimore, MD at UMBC Event Center
ROH Best In The World (TV Taping) 6/29/19 in Philadelphia, PA at 2300 Arena
ROH Manhattan Mayhem (Live Event) 7/20/19 in New York, NY at Hammerstein Ballroom
ROH Mass Hysteria (Live Event) 7/21/19 in Lowell, MA at Lowell Memorial Auditorium
ROH Summer Supercard 8/9/19 in Toronto, ON at Mattamy Athletic Centre
ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage (TV Taping) 8/24/19 in Atlanta, GA at Center Stage
ROH Honor for All (Live Event) 8/25/19 in Nashville, TN at the Nashville Fairgrounds Arena
ROH Live (Live Event) 9/6/19 in Dearborn, MI at Ford Community Center
ROH Live (Live Event) 9/7/19 in Chicago, IL at Odeum Expo Center
ROH Live (Live Event) 9/8/19 in Milwaukee, WI at Potawatomi Casino
All current live events are located on rohwrestling.com.
•Latest TV Highlights: 6/16/19 ROH Wrestling
ROH TV Results
June 16th, 2019
Chicago, IL at the Odeum
Airing on Sinclair Networks and rohwrestling.com
Hirooki Goto defeated Hikuleo at 7:07
Kenny King talked about his best-of-three series with Jay Lethal. Saying he may try and beat him with his own move, the Lethal Injection.
Kelly Klein and Jenny Rose came out to take on The Allure in a tag-team match. During the commercial break The Allure came out and attacked them. Pushing the match to Best in the World.
A video recap of the following occurred. 1) The Briscoes getting DQ’d at the Crockett Cup. 2) Bandido pinning Shane Taylor. 3) Dalton Castle and his match with Dragon Lee
PJ Black and Lifeblood (Mark Haskins & Tracey Williams) defeated Shinobi Shadow Squad (Cheeseburger, Eli Isom, and Ryan Nova) at 7:24
Jeff Cobb defeated Jay Lethal, PCO, and Rush in a Four way match at 12:28
Click HERE to read Harley R. Pageot’s full report.
“Jeff Cobb for Cutie.” This week, Harley R. Pageot and Emily Fear discuss Juice Robinson having no interest in returning to ROH and what it means for the future of Lifeblood, veteran wrestlers being easily distracted by ringside presences, whether AEW might ever buy ROH, and a damning look at some Women of Honor statistics. Plus: Tom Stoup drops by to discuss what it takes for a wrestling promotion to get established wrestling fans to check out their product for the first time.
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•Social Media Scene
Below is this week’s round-up of social media posts from ROH personalities.
I second this motion.
Holy shit @ringofhonor please debut Maria at BITW @annemariebearr and I will pass the fuck out. PLEASE.
— Cortney Jean (@MsCortneyJean) June 19, 2019
Jim Cornette is the guy who tells a woman who’s leaving him “You can’t break up with me, IM LEAVING YOU” https://t.co/lH07sbMVSD
— Kenny King (@KennyKingPb2) June 19, 2019
Get Better, Colt!
I’ve had to cancel off my shows this week.
A) can’t bend my leg
B) something about blood clots & flying
C) I feel like an asshole
Plz still go to the shows so they can afford to bring me next time. @beyondwrestling @WrestleCircus @WildKatSports @OutlawProWres pic.twitter.com/LagJ1WdYPm
— Colt Cabana (@ColtCabana) June 18, 2019
•Closing Commentary
I want to talk about a very exciting signing this week. Most people may think that I am talking about Jonathan Gresham getting resigned…but I am talking about Maria Manic.
After Jordan Grace was signed (officially) by Impact, I thought that Maria Manic was put in the #1 spot for female talent on the independent scene that was not currently signed to a major company. Well, that didn’t last long, did it? If you have not seen a Maria Manic match, you owe it to yourself to go and watch some.
While she is very talented, her specialties have been hardcore matches and intergender matches. These are two different types of matches that are not “mainstream” as of yet in WWE, AEW, Impact, NJPW, and ROH.
I am assuming that ROH will book Maria incorrectly, just like they have done with almost everyone the last seven months. The women’s division has never been booked well since the WOH title was introduced.
As a wrestling fan you need to have hope for better days ahead, though, right? So here is to hoping that we get a no DQ match between PCO and Maria Manic in the near future. Whether people love or hate a match like that, I can assure you that it would be the talk of the wrestling world if it happened.
Tyler has been a wrestling fan for 20 years. He’s from Columbus, Ohio. Check him out on Twitter @ringoftyler and check out his podcast @tandbwrestling.
OR JUMP TO LAST WEEK’S WWE OVERVIEW: WEEKLY OVERVIEW – ROH (thru 6/12): Top stories of week, major show lineups, live event results, schedule of live events, noteworthy social media posts, more
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