11 Signs You Are Ruining Your Life By Being Hard On Yourself

It is easy to feel negative about yourself. It is easy to attract the wrong energies. We all have our own weaknesses and shortcomings. However, it is not fair to dwell on these insecurities that can ruin your life.

Here are 11 signs you might be being too hard on yourself and you need to stop doing it right away.

1. You overthink all the time

It may be true that it is not easy to control the overthinking, but what is true is that we can always give direction to our thoughts. And being positive might help.


2. You apologise too much

You are not here just to apologise, especially when it is not at your fault, right? Saying sorry for every damn thing can also make other people think less of you.

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    3. You avoid looking at yourself in the mirror

    Being insecure about the way you look will only drown you more. If you are not going to love everything about yourself, nobody else will.


    4. You feel like a failure every time you look at your successful friends

    While your friends are traveling or marrying their significant others, you tend to sulk even more rather than looking at what you’ve got.


    5. You are never sure about your own ideas and decisions

    There is a constant battle in your own head, which leads you towards more confusion and it can worsen your state of mind. Ever thought of taking your idea ahead?


    6. You are always calculating how much money you have or spent

    The moment you receive a credit message in your inbox, you start planning your expenses till your head is spinning with numbers and you make yourself dizzy. Take it easy!


    7. It is easier for you to accept the blame put on you by others

    Not being able to do that dream job or when your significant others decide to cheat on you, it is just easy for you to not fight for yourself. Stop it already.


    8. You are never really proud of your achievements and shy away from sharing it with others

    You constantly demean your achievements and you never let other people congratulate you properly. Reminder? Your achievements matter.


    9. Other people are comfortable criticising you

    The average person isn’t comfortable criticising others. However, after they’ve heard you criticise yourself repeatedly, they’re likely to feel they can join in on the criticism openly.


    10. You keep your opinions to yourself

    You fear being judged. You always want validations. You never realise how hard you are being on yourself while you do that.


    11. You constantly feel you don’t deserve to have certain things

    Not buying that piece of clothing just because you feel you don’t deserve it even if you’re earning well, is probably the reason you are not smiling enough.  


    Stop it already!


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