Success is subjective and it means different things to different people. Being successful is not always a product of being smart or intelligent; it is a matter of being aware of what is going wrong in your life and how one can make an effort to change it.
The constant confusion about where we are or if we are doing any good for ourselves we keep seeking assurance, however, ignore little signs that’ll take you closer to what we seek.
Here are some of the signs that tell you are doing much better in this life and things will turn out better than you imagined.
1. You are aware of what is going wrong with your life.
Even if people around you are praising you for all your achievements, you know what are you lacking, and are constantly figuring out how to fill the gap.
2. Your overthinking does not revolve around the issue but how to solve it.
Only you can give direction to your thoughts. And if you have mastered the same, there is certainly nothing that cannot be solved by you.
3. You know what you want even if you don’t know how to get there.
Be it traveling to Europe in years to come, or becoming a manager, your dreams and goals are clear. You can’t stand the idea of just ending up somewhere. It’s not about how, it is about the what.
4. You believe in the idea of doing at least one thing each day.
Even if it is making someone smile because you want to be a better person. You’re doing something every single day that adds to the person you want to be.
5. You’re always looking for a better way to do things.
Why can’t it be done this why? Have we ever tried doing this way? What is success if it is not the willingness to solve a problem in a way that’s never been solved before?
6. You do not seek validation from other people for the work you do.
You alone are enough to validate your work. The most skillful or talented people don’t really go around seeking validation.
7. You take each opportunity as a learning experience.
Other people might have seen the glow in your eyes when you get to learn something new, a new project at work that other people shy away from.
8. You slack off as much as you work hard.
You know when you are all burned out. You know when to relax. You slack off as much as you work hard.
9. Anxiety comes easily to you when you do not spend time with yourself.
Spending time with no one but yourself helps you organize your thoughts. It is the same as not taking care of yourself.
10. You are not afraid to ask about something you don’t know.
Hesitation is an unknown word for you. Life is too short to not throw yourself in the deep end and ask about everything you need to know to grow.
11. Failure makes you smile and urges you to do better.
You’re willing to try and fail and try again; to accept the discomfort and the hard work. You are all about standing up after falling down.
No everything is bad!
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