Factors Affecting the Service Life of Geotextiles: Durability and Maintenance Geotextiles are widely used in civil engineering and construction projects for their ability to enhance soil stability, improve drainage, and provide erosion control. They play a crucial role in applications such as road construction, foundation stabilization, and landscaping. However, the service life of geotextiles is influencedRead moreRead more
Month: December 2024
FK Notice of Upgrading FC200 Series Bearing Units
Dear customers: In order to improve the reliability of UCFC200 series bearing units, FK upgraded and improved the bearing housing of FC200 series. Compared with the original bearing units, the appearance and strength of the new FC200 series bearing units are improved as follows: 1. Increase the boss thickness at the grease nozzle position toRead moreRead more
Expert : Developing New Information Technology of Short Process Steelmaking Integration to Promote High Quality Development of Iron and Steel Industry
Since this year, domestic steel demand is strong, China ' s steel industry efficiency continues to improve. At the same time, under the constraints of carbon peak and carbon neutralization proposed by China, China ’ s steel industry is also facing great carbon reduction pressure. At a colloquium held on 21st by the ChinaRead moreRead more
How to Care for Hair in Your 20s
In some ways, tending to your strands in your 20s is relatively simple, which makes this decade the perfect time to establish the healthy haircare habits that will last the rest of your life. Factors like stress, diet, hormones, health issues and your hair care routine can all play into the health of your hair. Read moreRead more
The 170M3360,from Bussmann / Eaton,is Specialty Fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us! Specifications Package Payment Shipping Contact USRead moreRead more
近日,新闻教育家郑贞铭与两位门生历时三年所著的《大师巨匠》由北京联合出版公司出版,该书共分为上下两册,编写了近代中国近百位各领域的大师小传,如胡适、梁启超、鲁迅、李政道、华罗庚、容闳、张恨水、顾维钧等众多杰出人物均在此列,作者表示愿以大师的故事,在价值失落的时代,指引当下年轻人重塑精神信念。 作者郑贞铭,祖籍福建闽侯,幼年丧父后跟随母亲来到台湾。1962年大学毕业后,年仅26岁的郑贞铭受创始人张其昀邀请,担任台湾中国文化学院(中国文化大学前身)新闻系代理主任,两年后升任正式主任,是台湾当时最年轻的大学系主任。 28岁时,郑贞铭到美国访学,经此一行立志以新闻教育为终生追求。不到40岁,郑贞铭就写下了第一本书《新闻采访的理论与实践》,堪称经典的新闻学教材。 郑贞铭从事新闻教育行业多年,创办了新闻系、广告系、新闻研究所、新闻学院,被称为“新闻教父”,并于2010年获得了美国圣若望大学所颁发的“终身教育奖”。 关于为何编著这样一套书,郑贞铭表示:“在当下世俗化的社会,一些青年片面追求个人生活上的安逸,对社会、国家和民族缺乏关注,他们不像20世纪六七十年代的青年那样有理想主义色彩,对社会、国家和民族的关注远远超脱于对个人生活境遇的思考。” 他还回忆起自己在上大学时听的第一场演讲,是胡适先生的《谈传记文学》,胡适先生鼓励每个年轻人都要好好读传记,作为自己人生的指引。 “大部头的大师回忆录,现在很少年轻人去看,我们就把每个大师的一生写成4000字左右的文章。当然,为了写好这4000字,我们需要阅读的资料会超过40万字。” 除了高度凝练的文字外,书中还为每位大师匠心手绘了一幅素描肖像,黑白笔墨间展现了大师们的智慧、风骨、气节。 郑贞铭表示,大师们都有一些共同的人格特质,那就是能够承担痛苦,能够带领时代,导引时代。在资讯爆炸的时代,年轻人更要学会从大师身上发现智慧,学习智慧。 于是,在两位学生的帮助下,年过半百的郑贞铭开始了编著的工作,在近代百年的历史中,找出近百位大师,并摘取十个关键词加以分类:风气之先、家国情怀、文化基座、学术昆仑、狂狷名士、人文典范、思想行者、科学高峰、人间性灵、美的世界,其中选择了不同领域的代表人物,如胡适、梁启超、鲁迅、李政道、华罗庚、容闳、张恨水、顾维钧等,用他们的人生经历,为年轻人指引未来的路。 “一个人为什么行为平庸?是因为其思想苍白。为什么思想苍白?是因为书读得不够,没有寻得人生智慧。”遇见大师,才能遇见更好的自己。 作者 郑贞铭 联合读创 策划 北京联合出版公司出版 Keyword: 发稿渠道
Thor Range Gloves
You can count on all-day comfort and protection with Thor’s Range Gloves, so you can live your life on two wheels without limitations year round! Built from the ground up with all of the features you are looking for like waterproofing, fleece lining, inset plastic knuckle protection and touchscreen compatibility. Features: InsetRead moreRead more
Spidi TX-T Ladies H2Out Gloves
Keyword: motorcycle clothing
Purchase as a gift but worried about going past the return period?
It’s not just a simple bed! It’s a plush new product designed for you and your pet who love nature and fun designs. It easily transforms into a dreamy paradise at home, perfect for pets who love to explore and play. Nature Theme Design: Like a fluffy piece of grassland, it incorporates fun plant elementsRead moreRead more
Petstages OrkaKat Wiggle Worm Cat Toy
Your cat will have a blast and stay safe with the Petstages OrkaKat Wiggle Worm Cat Toy! Non-Toxic Catnip infused Great for teething kittens Fun worm design Why We Love It: Your kitty will go crazy for this engaging and fun, catnip scent infused cat toy. This toy is good for teething cats and littleRead moreRead more