During a recent work, a warning system for monitoring the service status of organic coatings over large areas was developed. Taking advantage of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements, an attempt was first made to verify the repeatability of measurements made on surfaces with gradually increasing size. A threshold value of normalized impedance modulus was thenRead moreRead more
Month: February 2025
Warning system for defects onset in organic coatings on large surfaces
VN330SPTR-E Electronics
VN330SPTR-E Electronics belongs to Quad high side smart power solid state relay. Product Features Type Main product features VN330SPTR-E Output current: 0.7 A per channel Digital I/O clamped at 32 V minimum voltage Shorted load and overtemperature protections Built-in current limiter Undervoltage shutdown Open drain diagnostic output Fast demagnetization of inductive loads Conforms to IEC 61131-2Read moreRead more
Pool Man’s Toolbox: Lubricants & Sealants
In every pool man’s toolbox or tool bucket, you’ll find at least one lubricant, for greasing up pool equipment o-rings, and a sealant, for plugging up leaks on the pool or on the equipment. Today’s tutorial focuses on some vital supplies to the pool man, or well-equipped pool owner: pool lubricants and sealants. They keepRead moreRead more
Revolutionizing Transportation: JINPENG’s New Energy Vehicles
In the ever-evolving landscape of electric mobility, JINPENG stands tall as an industry pioneer. With an unwavering commitment to innovation and sustainability, we are proud to introduce our cutting-edge lineup of new energy vehicles, designed to transform the way you commute. At JINPENG, we’re not just a company; we’re a driving force behind the futureRead moreRead more
What’s The Fuzz About Initials?
Many acclaimed and well known authors do not use their full name, but only their initials. This causes confusion on many levels. Is the author male or female? And what’s their real name? In today’s article, we want to have a look at why it became and still is common for some authors to use initials instead ofRead moreRead more
オフィチーネ・パネライA SLICE TIME 2016東京上陸・オブデザインウィーク
東京の高級時計メーカー、土壌のフィレンツェオフィチーネ・パネライ2016東京デザインウィーク展示Sliceオブ「Time」は、この特定の場所に応じて発想の装置を芸術作品はnendoスタジオデザイン、霊感および時間の概念と時間とデザインの間のやりとり。装置はじゅう月にじゅう~23日、表参道Spiralガーデンの世界初展に出展、訪問者が敷いてこの命あれば水母さえ骨にあうの機会、細かに味わうオフィチーネ・パネライ時計から生まれ経典設計の独特な時計装置を受け、「時間の贈り物。 nendo発想の「SliceオブTime」コンセプトデザイナーを作るように先に「抜け殻の時計」は、設計メタオフィチーネ・パネライブランドの精髄であり、単一の筆画の数字に標とエレガントなケース描き出して文字盤形、そして透過金型技術をみつけてから時計じゅうごメートル、施設計師は「年齢」と客の転換「ミリ」に、また人手を「抜け殻時計」千切る、「時計」カット割相応の厚さ、訪問者は家の中を持ち帰って収蔵。時計のように徐々に成形プロセス歯車とつながり、展场部分空間をもどれ作リング型スタジオを訪問し、研磨、噴砂や組立てなど工程を待って、訪問者約ご分作る時計。細長い形「抜け殻」よんしよ時計に従って展示で日ほど切って短く、時計が消えたら、展示終瞭の日。言い換えれば、「抜け殻時計」まるで砂時計は、あなたにはっきりの装置を通して気づいて時が過ぎて、「時間」「長さ約」(「単位」の概念を販売時間)、人々感じて時間も、「自分の時間」を取り戻す。 オフィチーネ・パネライクラシカルデザイン オフィチーネ・パネライ時計デザインでして、高級時計業界ナンバーワンの仲間から。オフィチーネ・パネライ早く1930やよんじゅう年代を設計して、海軍水底軍事用腕時計。腕時計が丈夫で長持ち、1つの細かい点はすべて心を込めて推敲して、腕時計の必要とする機能を発揮する。オフィチーネ・パネライ時計ラインシンプルデザインで知られる落ち着いた、経典国際高級タブ界。長年に積極的に各支持オフィチーネ・パネライスポンサー設計文化の計画は、ブランドの優秀なデザインをたたえ、多くの国際協力企画などが登場し、とミラノトリエンナーレ設計博物館(Triennale Designミュージアム)合弁の「O」Clock」展覧、とスペイン施設計師のパトリシア?Urquiola協力構想の小売店のデザインコンセプトを冠スポンサーのイベント、マイアミDesign Miami(アメリカ)とロンドン設計節(イギリス)。オフィチーネ・パネライ承諾から絶大続けるとして普及の設計、打ち立て国際傑出設計者の地位。 http://copy2017.com/ Keyword: exness ログイン
Nouryon begins full-scale production at US-plant
Nouryon has started the full-scale production at its new expandable microspheres plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin, US. According to company information, the launch of the new plant is an important milestone to better serve specialty additives customers in North America in the packaging, construction, mining, and automotive industries, and complements the Company’s existing full-scale plantRead moreRead more
Macrocyclic peptide with an unusual Lys-Trp crosslink
Structure and biosynthesis of a macrocyclic peptide containing an unprecedented lysine-to-tryptophan crosslink Kelsey R. Schramma, Leah B. Bushin & Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost, Nature Chemistry, 2015, 7, 431–437. Streptococcal bacteria use peptide signals as a means of intraspecies communication. These peptides can contain unusual post-translational modifications, providing opportunities for expanding our understanding of nature’s chemical and biosyntheticRead moreRead more
Purchase as a gift but worried about going past the return period?
Come and try this fluffy “waffle”! Our latest dog bed style features a waffle design in a soothing sea salt mint hue, resembling a plush and fluffy treat. Your pet can sink into the soft bed, unwind, doze off, and enjoy a snug respite during leisurely afternoons. Stylish Design: The refreshing waffle shape design notRead moreRead more
InNaTex August 2024
InNaTex: the trade show INNATEX is the unique natural textiles fair in the world to feature not only fashion, but also other textile product categories like accessories, home textiles, fabrics, toys etc. Event profile InNaTex Industries: Textiles, Free time, Skins industry, Home textiles, Clothing, Fashion Frequency: semestral Scope: Nacional Next edition InNaTex From Sunday 18Read moreRead more