9 Sexist Things Men Are Tired Of Hearing

Sexism is an ill practice that creeps out of prejudice and discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender. Believe it or not, just like women, men too are a victim of sexism. For women, sexism is out there in the open and they are constantly fighting against it. For men, though, it’s still a long way for them to even comprehend that they are too a victim of sexist remarks. After speaking to 10 woke men about how they face sexism on an everyday basis, here are the things they told me they are tired of hearing.  

1. “Why are you crying? Be a man.” 

“If I charged a penny for everytime someone has said this sentence to me, I’d be a millionaire. No, I’m not kidding. I’m someone who is emotional and more often than not, people, especially other men, make fun of it.” – Rajeev.   


2. “Pink shirt. What are you, gay?” 

“My mother once bought me a pink shirt and at that time, I didn’t even notice its colour. I went to my tuition classes wearing it and one of the seniors made this remark. At that time, I didn’t even know what a gay was. When I found out, I never wore that shirt ever again. Though, now I wish I was aware of this sexism at that time.” – Gagan. 

3. “You’re scared of spiders? Stop being a chick.” 

“I live alone and I hate spiders. I just hate them. I can’t help it. My roommate once helped me get rid of a spider in my bathroom and he still gloats over it. I have been ridiculed of being scared of spiders and called a chick. I mean, who decides that being scared of a spider is a girly thing?” – Pulkit. 

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    4. “You are not a man if you have no interest in sports.”

    “I pretended to like cricket till the age of 23 because hey, if you didn’t like sports, you don’t fall under the category of men. It’s stupid, I know but that’s how it is in a country like ours where it’s so damn tough for people to be themselves, without the fear of getting judged.” – Deep. 

    5. “You got man boobs, dude. Where’d you leave your bra?”

    “I am fat guy and I am still not okay with it. Of course, I am trying to work on myself but every now and then people pass comments on my man boobs and it just depresses me so damn much.” – Ronjoy.  


    6. “You drive worse than women.”

    “A woman said this to me and I was just shocked. It’s so stupid how much gender stereotypes affect our thinking.” – Akhil.  

    7. “You cry in movies?”

    “Yeah, I’m one of those guys who cry during a film. So what? I have emotions and I’ve come to realise there’s nothing wrong with it. People can make fun if they want to. I really can’t change everyone’s mind, you know.” – Manjot.  


    8. “Grow a beard. Puberty hasn’t hit you yet or what?”

    “Ask any teenage boy and he’ll tell you that someone, somewhere must have said this to him. I can’t grow a beard properly and I am sick of people making jokes about. Believe it or not, it makes me feel less of a man.” – Vikas. 

    9. “You want to quit your job? Who will take care of your wife and kids?”

    “I decided to take a break to study and my wife supported my decision. It was a mutual agreement and I don’t get what society expects out of a grown man. The pressure to perform well, financially, is so intense that men just lose their shit.” – Naman. 


    It’s time to stop with the gender stereotypes and sexism against men, women or the LGBTQ+ community. Let’s free ourselves from all biases and create a world where everyone is equally. 


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