CONCORD, NH — Concord police were sent to the El Rodeo Restaurant on Loudon Road on Wednesday night for a vandalism incident.
Shortly after 11 p.m., a witness at the Shell gas station adjacent to the restaurant reported the incident to police dispatch. The caller claimed they heard shattering glass and witnessed two people hastily leaving.
The first officer confirmed the caller’s account, noting a broken window and some pieces of furniture in disarray. The officer reported a few minutes later, there was an argument at the restaurant, with a man and woman screaming at each other, and then a witness heard glass breaking. The suspects fled across the street to the Everett Arena. The suspects were described as a man wearing a red sweatshirt and a woman wearing a gray sweatshirt.
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The officer confirmed two chairs were broken and it appeared that one had been used to smash the window. The officer said it did not seem as if anyone entered the restaurant.
At the gas station, officers spoke to an employee who reported the two suspects may have been in the store about an hour before. The employee was attempting to get a store manager to access security video of the suspects. The officer said there were cameras at El Rodeo, too.
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Other officers began to arrive to search the area for the suspects but were unable to find the suspects.
A restaurant manager showed up at around 11:45 p.m. to board up the window.
Around 12:15 a.m., the owner of the restaurant reported to police they found a cellphone and did not know if it was connected to the case. According to scanner chatter, the original officer returned to the restaurant to obtain the phone. Later, however, the officer reported the manager had found the phone earlier in the day. The officer said the cell appeared connected to an employee not the vandalism case.
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