Jayapal Says Medicare for All Bill Coming in Two Weeks as Expert Calls Plan 'Astonishingly Strong'

In just two weeks, what is being heralded as an “astonishingly strong” plan to create a Medicare for All system in the United States will be introduced in the U.S. House.

With energized grassroots activists, more than 90 congressional co-sponsors, and public opinion all firmly on her side, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) announced on Wednesday that she plans to introduce her 150-page Medicare for All bill the week after next.

One healthcare justice organizer who has read a detailed overview of the bill said it should now be considered the new “baseline” for national single-payer legislation.

“Thousands of nurses and health care activists who participated in the National Week of Action are fired up and ready to do what it takes to pass the Medicare for All Act of 2019.”
—National Nurses United”Medicare for All is the solution our country needs. Long-term care, mental health services, women’s reproductive health. All without co-pays or deductibles,” declared Jayapal, who sent a letter to her House colleagues this week urging them to sign on to the legislation. “Join me in two weeks and let’s make history with the Medicare for All Act.”

Speaking to the Washington Post, Jayapal said she expects to introduce her bill with at least 100 original co-sponsors.

“Count us in!” said National Nurses United (NNU), which has been holding “barnstorms” nationwide to build grassroots momentum for single-payer. “Thousands of nurses and healthcare activists who participated in the National Week of Action are fired up and ready to do what it takes to pass the Medicare for All Act of 2019.”

In an analysis of Jayapal’s legislation and the broader fight for Medicare for All in Splinter on Thursday, single-payer proponent and health policy expert Tim Faust offered strong praise for the Medicare for All Act after reading an overview of the bill.