Anti-War Voices Applaud 'Must-Read' Sanders Op-Ed Demanding End to US Complicity in Yemen Carnage

Anti-war voices are praising a new “must-read” New York Times in which Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called on Congress “to redefine our relationship with Saudi Arabia, and to show that the Saudis do not have a blank check to continue violating human rights” by revoking U.S. support for the Saudi and UAE-led war in Yemen.

Noting that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen “has only worsened and our complicity become even greater” since the Senate voted in March to block a resolution (SJ Res. 54)—introduced by Sanders, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)—to end military support for the Saudis, Sanders wrote that he will bring the measure back to the floor next month.

“Amen!” tweeted CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin. “We have been in the Senate all week pushing for this bill. Join us.”

Media critic Adam Johnson, an outspoken opponent of U.S. wars and imperialism, simply said, “this is good folks.”

Concluding that there are “so many excellent points in this op-ed” that she didn’t “even know where to begin,” Laura Pitter of Human Rights Watched tweeted, “Just read it.”