While we are trying to comprehend what life exactly is, it changes. There is always something more in life and there is something we leave behind. We fail to recognize minor changes but what really hits us is when we enter the professional phase of our life right after college. Forget bunking, forget long holidays and welcome a life you thought would be better.
Here are 13 things that you will miss after leaving the student life behind:
1. Summer and winter holidays.
Remember the time when we used to spend our entire holidays Nani’s place playing with your cousins? And now it has been a while since you called your cousins, right?
2. Bunking anytime you like.
The freedom is what you miss the most. At work, you can’t just skip because you have a meeting that day. You’ll be expected to show up even if you are not well.
3. No more first-day-first-show on a Friday.
You always have a soft corner for Fridays. However, now it the evening that you wait for.
4. Being able to say the first thing that comes to your mind.
Work teaches us a lot of other things for which we were never prepared for. Altering your personality when you enter professional life is a real thing.
5. Stepping out wearing your pyjamas.
Sacrificing your comfort is also one the things that come along. You also change your wardrobe you now can afford to.
6. Having the liberty of waking up at your own time.
Punch in punch out time becomes a way of life. Student life never recorded your entry and exit, right?
7. Taking money from parents and splurging.
Earning a certain amount defines you as you grow older. And the race becomes more and more unmanageable. While it does make you independent and solves other things, you still miss taking money from parents without worrying about the next day.
8. Spending full day with friends.
And now it is all about meeting for an hour or two after work or on weekends. Spending an entire day becomes history for a reason.
9. Having time to pursue your hobby.
Work takes up most of our time of the entire day. And you forget doing things you really like. Not everyone is lucky enough to make a career out of their hobbies right?
10. Playing your favorite sport.
Now it is you and your laptop all day long. The sun which used to accompany you before is now ignored because you rarely go out and play.
11. Late night drives on weekdays.
Friends do not come and pick you up randomly and ask you to come for drives at 1 am anymore, right?
12. Making random holiday plans a day before.
Now all you have is the count your friends canceled on you because chutti nahi mili.
13. Having more free time.
If you have free time now, you sleep.
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