AEW Dynamite Results (2/5): Huntsville, AL.

All Elite Wrestling runs the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama this evening for this week’s installment of the Wednesday Night Wars against WWE’s weekly NXT On USA program.

Featured below are complete results of the Wednesday, February 5th episode of AEW Dynamite.


The show opens with a video package telling the story of Jon Moxley turning down Chris Jericho’s offer to join the Inner Circle and then becoming the number one contender to challenge him for the AEW World Championship at the upcoming AEW Revolution pay-per-view later this month.

From there, we shoot live inside the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama, where the AEW Dynamite announce team welcomes us to this week’s show.

Jon Moxley vs. Ortiz

After that, the theme song of Jon Moxley hits inside the arena as the No. 1 contender to the AEW World title makes his usual entrance through the crowd.

The ring announcer begins his pre-match introductions, as Justin Roberts formally introduces us to “Jeeeeeeoooonnnnn Moxley!” He will be going one-on-one against Ortiz of the Proud ‘N’ Powerful duo from Chris Jericho’s Inner Circle.

After Ortiz comes down to the ring accompanied by his tag-team partner, Santana, before anything can happen, Chris Jericho’s “Fozzy” entrance music plays and the fans are shown singing along as the remaining members of The Inner Circle head towards the squared circle.

The bell sounds as Jericho takes a seat alongside J.R-and-co. on commentary. He reminds him that he wants to be ringside for every Moxley match leading up to AEW Revolution.

As Jericho settles in on guest commentary, having some fun at Tony Schiavone’s expense, the action gets underway in the ring with Moxley jumping off to an early lead. Ortiz finally takes over after blasting the one-eyed bad-ass with an enziguri to the dome.

The fight spills out to the floor, with Ortiz whipping Moxley back-first into the ringside barricade. He runs him across the length of the ring and whips him into the ring steps. The fans boo as Moxley sells hs injured eye being further hurt. The fans break out in “Ortiz Sucks!” chants as Moxley rolls back into the ring to eat more punishment.

Ortiz gets in some high spots and some near falls but when all is said-and-done, the Proud ‘N’ Powerful member walks directly into a Paradigm Shift DDT from the No. 1 contender that ends his evening.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After The Match: The Inner Circle & Moxley Battle Continues

Once the match ends, Moxley’s music plays as he stares over at Jericho at the announce table. Jericho talks trash while standing up from his seat to show his AEW World Championship.

Moxley is attacked from behind by Santana until he fights his way back and takes out the tag-team partner of the man he just beat to kick off this week’s show.

From there, Moxley reaches into his pocket and pulls out a set of keys. We hear Jericho on commentary complaining about it being the keys to his car.

Moxley takes the key and does “an eye for an eye” as the one-eyed injured Moxley scrapes at the eye of the Inner Circle member before fleeing through the crowd, stopping briefly to gloat towards the upset Inner Circle members staring on from the ring.

The fans chant “Moxley! Moxley!” as replays are shown of what just transpired. We return live and the medics are attending to Santana.

Chuck Taylor & Trent (w/ Orange Cassidy) vs. Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky

After the announcers run down some of the matches scheduled for tonight, we get ready to head to our first commercial break of the evening. Before we do, we hear the familiar music of The Best Friends.

Out comes Orange Cassidy along with Chuck Taylor and Trent. J.R. informs us that tag-team action is up next.

We return from the break and see SoCal Uncensored (SCU), the former first-ever AEW World Tag-Team Champions, as Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky head to the ring while the announcers speculate on Christopher Daniels’ status with SCU and the recent happenings with The Dark Order.

Kazarian and Trent kick things off for their respective teams. The two mat wrestle a bit, with Kazarian jumping off to the early offensive lead. J.R. puts over Scorpio Sky huge on commentary as the action picks up and he gets tagged into the bout.

All four guys end up going at it in the ring, with two brawling their way out to the floor at ringside. Sky hits a huge German Suplex to Trent on the floor. Chuck runs over with a flipping neck-breaker on Kazarian.

This leads to Orange Cassidy calmly walking over and voluntarily laying down along with the other four, who are selling the moves they just pulled off or got hit with. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial.

When we return from commercial, the announcers inform us that the aforementioned German Suplex on the floor may have resulted in a “stinger” for one of the four competitors involved in this contest.

The fans break out into “This Is Awesome” chants as the match appears to be drawing close to a finish. Sky runs in to help break up the finisher attempted by The Best Friends after Chuck and Trent do the big dramatic hug for the big pop from the fans.

Winners: Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky

After The Match: The Dark Order Strikes

After the match, The Dark Order immediately hits the ring and starts beating down any-and-everything that moves. They ultimately clear the ring of any non-Dark Order members.

Now, Orange Cassidy approaches them as cool as a cucumber as usual, as the fans chant “Freshly Squeezed!” He does a big dramatic hand gesture that elicits a pop from the fans, but also a firm ass-whooping from the members of The Dark Order.

Finally, SCU’s Christopher Daniels sprints to the ring to make the save for Orange Cassidy, leading to The Dark Order retreating from the ring. Daniels taunts and tells The Dark Order if they want him, come get him. He stands his ground as The Dark Order eventually heads to the back.

Cody Receives 10 Lashes From MJF Tonight

As the road to AEW Revolution continues, the stipulations set by MJF to get the match agreed upon will begin playing out tonight. A vignette airs promoting what is still to come tonight — Cody Rhodes receiving ten lashes from Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

After the video package wraps up, we see a pre-recorder interview with Taz from the parking lot of the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. Taz, who has known Cody his whole life, talks about how embarrassing it will be for Cody to take ten lashes on live TV tonight.

Dr. Britt Baker vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Once the video package wraps up, Dr. Britt Baker makes her way to the ring, as AEW women’s singles action is up next. J.R. takes us to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Yuka Sakazaki making her way to the ring. We are informed why she is called “The Magical Queen” as the announcers kill time as she heads to the ring for what will be her AEW Dynamite debut.

The bell sounds and here we go. Baker immediately jumps off to an early offensive lead after the two exchange arm-drags and locks to begin the action inside the ring. Yuka heads to the top-rope to break up Baker’s offensive run, leading to the Pittsburgh Dentist rolling to the floor to re-group.

Yuka is having none of that, as The Magical Girl lives up to her name, soaring from the top rope and crashing onto Baker on the floor at ringside. The fans break out into a chant of some kind as Yuka continues her onslaught back inside the ring now.

Baker starts putting together a string of offensive moves and holds, seemingly approaching the finish as she looks to get Yuka with her Lockjaw finisher. However, Yuka uses a bridge and turns the tables, upsetting Baker and picking up the “W” in the process in her AEW Dynamite debut.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki

After The Match: Baker Curb Stomps Yuka

Once the match is over, while Yuka celebrates in the ring, Baker rolls to the floor and grabs the ring bell. She re-enters the ring and bashes Yuka in the grill with it. She follows that up by setting Yuka up for essentially a Curb Stomp.

For good measure, the cameras do a close-up as Yuka shows some of her teeth knocked out with blood pouring everywhere. Baker re-applies her Lockjaw finisher and the cameras pan in on her now as she shows a sadistic grin while Yuka is shown wearing a bloody frown.

The Butcher, The Blade & The Lucha Bros vs. Kenny Omega, Hangman Page & The Young Bucks

The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny make their way to the ring. Our featured eight-man tag-team bout that was set up on last week’s AEW Dynamite show is up next.

After the initial ring entrance, The Lucha Brothers — Pentagon JR. and Rey Fenix — make their way to the ring as the announcers hype up how good this match should be.

The Being The Elite theme music plays as all four guys, The Young Bucks — Nick and Matt Jackson — along with the reigning AEW World Tag-Team Champions Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page, come to the ring together.

Page walks to the ring by himself in a hurry while the other three show solidarity and make their way to the squared circle in unison. The bell sounds and Hangman and The Blade kick things off for their respective teams. Hangman jumps to an early lead and tags in Omega.

Omega picks up where Hangman left off after some quick double-team offense. Omega hits a high spot for a near fall and then takes The Blade to his corner of the ring, where he tags in one of The Young Bucks. The Young Bucks tag each other in-and-out immediately. The Elite utilizing quick-tags to keep fresh guys on The Blade, and to keep the offensive momentum on their side of the fence for this eight-man bout.

A triple drop-kick takes out the big man as all four guys from each team end up involved in a big brawl as the noise in the Von Braun Center grows. A huge Omega high spot from the top-rope takes out everyone on the floor as J.R. on commentary questions whether or not order will get restored in this contest. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial.

When we return from the break we see the fight still out on the floor. It isn’t long, however, before Matt Jackson shines with some high spots in the ring, taking out several members of the opposition in impressive fashion. A big back-stabber by Pentagon JR. appears to turn the offensive tide in the favor of the heel foursome. A big high spot off the top rope from Pentagon JR. hurts the leg of Omega. Now, Rey Fenix takes over, blasting one-half of the AEW tag champs with a good-old fashioned knuckle sandwich to the dome.

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Now, The Butcher tags in and delivers some punishment before tagging in The Blade. The two utilize some double-team offense before taunting the fans and their opponents on the ring apron. The fans try to rally Omega back into the match, and it starts working as the AEW EVP shows signs of life. Finally, Hangman Page takes the hot tag. The fans chant “Cowboy Sh*t!” as he starts leveling anyone that moves, including those outside the ring.

Omega begins making his comeback, hitting snap-dragon suplexes and big knees/kicks before tagging in one of The Young Bucks. The duo hits Assisted Slice Bread as the fans rise to their feet. Hangman Page, still being the turd in the punch bowl of the group, tags himself in and takes it upon himself to commence kicking some heel booty as the fans cheer on regardless.

The Butcher with an elbow to the ear seems to break Hangman’s momentum, however he reverses another move attempt into a fall-away slam. He goes to nip-up afterwards, but couldn’t quite stand up out of it, so decided to sell an injury to his leg. Meanwhile, The Lucha Bros arrive on the scene in the ring and both Pentagon JR. and Rey Fenix start flying all over the place. In the midst of the chaos, Fenix sneaks in a pin out of nowhere on Hangman Page.

Winners: The Lucha Bros, The Butcher & The Blade

Backstage: “The Bastard” PAC Continues To Torture Kenny Omega

We return from the break to see Tony Schiavone in the ring ready to interview Kenny Omega, however before he can say anything we see “The Bastard” PAC appear on the big screen.

He talks about how this was supposed to be a simple contract signing for a match. He tells Omega what is about to happen is on him, and can stop any time. All he has to do is accept his challenge for another fight.

Finally, Omega, fearing PAC was going to attack AEW Women’s Champion Riho, who we see standing backstage as well, shouts into the mic that he accepts the challenge.

PAC then points out that he never planned to hit a woman, but she will. With that said, Nyla Rose blasts Riho from behind. She attacks her and then yells into the camera that she’s coming for her next week.

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs. Joey Janela

From there, we shoot back live inside the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL., where Kip Sabian begins making his way to the ring accompanied by Penelope Ford.

Jim Ross takes us into a commercial break as they wrap up their entrance. We return from the break as “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela makes his way to the ring while J.R. informs us on commentary that Huntsville is rainy as hell this evening.

The Excalibur points out some matches that were just confirmed earlier in the show. The bell sounds and here we go. These two just brawl to start things off.

Janela jumps off to an early offensive run until a big kick to the back from Sabian turns things weird. Sabian blasts a kick, so Janela turns the table and does the same. He then voluntarily sits down and dares him to do another. Instead, Sabian just slaps a choke on him and starts sinching it in.

The fans help Janela rally back to his feet and fight out of the hold. Janela starts to pound away on Sabian with forearms and punches until over-shooting a move on the ring apron. This slows things down and leads to Janela’s head bouncing off the ring steps.

Now, Penelope Ford approaches Janela at ringside while Sabian has the referee distracted in the ring. Ford blasts the back of Janela’s head into the steel steps and taunts the fans as we head to a mid-match commercial.

We return from the break to see Sabian with a crazy bridge suplex as Janela’s legs were draped across the top rope. Janela begins his comeback and gets momentum going with a big dive onto Sabian on the floor.

He loses focus, getting distracted by Penelope Ford after being attacked by her earlier in the contest. This again leads to Sabian taking over control of the offense briefly, but not for long, as Janela recovers quickly from a cheap-shot kick from Sabian.

The fight finds its’ way back into the squared circle now, with Janela looking to secure the three-count but not being able to keep Sabian down for the count. Sabian begins landing some big shots and moves, however Janela nails a Death Valley Driver type of slam for a near fall that turns the tables.

We hear an update from the ring announcer informing us that ten minutes have elapsed and ten minutes remain. Janela eats a DDT from Sabian, who goes over to kiss Ford. This time the distraction leads to the finish, as Janela takes Ford out with a bump into the ropes, knocking her to the floor with momentum.

This provides a sympathy distraction from Janela, with Sabian taking advantage of it and rolling him up from behind for the win.

Winner: Kip Sabian

Backstage: Chris Jericho Sends A Message, Ortiz Follows Up

Backstage we see Chris Jericho and the rest of the members of The Inner Circle addressing what Jon Moxley did earlier this evening trying to take the eye of Ortiz out with one of Chris Jericho’s car keys.

Jericho rambles for a minute and then Ortiz, eye patch and wrap around his head and all, calls out Moxley for next week, concluding by saying, “You and I … eye for an eye.”

The Dark Order Commercial Parody

Before we head back to another commercial break, we see a commercial-looking vignette promoting The Dark Order. A quick AEW Shop ad follows and then we head to a real break.

Backstage: The Elite Issues Continue

We return from the break to see The Young Bucks arguing with “Hangman” Adam Page again. They conclude by saying they think they know what the problem is. As they walk away, we see Page raise a frosty, cold beer for a swig as the fans pop for his “Cowboy Sh*t” attitude.

The Action Coming Up In AEW …

We shoot over to the commentators who reveal an insane amount of gimmick matches and announcements for next week, two weeks from now, three weeks from now, AEW Revolution later this month and the AEW Double Or Nothing 2 pay-per-view in Las Vegas, Nevada this coming May.

Dustin Rhodes On Cody Rhodes Taking 10 Lashes From MJF

We shoot to another “Earlier Today” pre-taped vignette touching on tonight’s “Cody takes 10 lashes from MJF” segment per their AEW Revolution match stipulations. He reminds fans that his brother Cody is tougher than people might think.

MJF Gives Cody 10 Lashes …

From there, the familiar music of Maxwell Jacob Friedman hits the house speakers as the lasers and lights begin swirling around the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. while the announcers explain why Cody has to endure all ten lashes if he wants his match and chance to get his hands on MJF without getting in trouble at the AEW Revolution PPV later this month.

MJF wraps up his ring entrance as Jim Ross refers to him as “the boil on the ass of life.” From there, Cody’s kick-ass ring entrance takes place, as the ten lashes segment is up now.

We return from the break and Cody is in the ring getting prepared to take ten lashes from MJF. He unbuttons and removes his dress shirt as the fans wait quiet in the arena. Cody plays to the crowd trying to get some noise in the building for what appears to be the main event segment of this week’s show.

MJF tells everyone to hold on. He says his belt is far too nice to touch him. He says he wants Cody’s belt. NOW. He threatens to pull out of the AEW Revolution match if he doesn’t as the fans chant “Assh*le!” at him. Finally, Cody obliges.

MJF blasts Cody with the first smack. Then the second. The third brings Cody to one knee and then two as he leans on the ropes to absorb the pain. We see multiple AEW stars come out to witness this in person. Cody’s manager / coach, Arn Anderson, eventually makes his way down to ringside.

Anderson gets close to Cody and tells him he doesn’t have to do this. MJF kicks at him to make him step back. He yells that Arn can’t help Cody with this one. The fans chant for Cody, who calmly stands awaiting his remaining seven lashes.

And in comes number four. Cody sells this one for a minute while MJF gets down and yells in Cody’s face, daring him to quit. This gets Cody back to his feet to play to the crowd. Whip number five comes in with a vengeance. Now, Cody’s brother Dustin sprints to the ring through the crowd of wrestlers watching on from the entrance stage.

Dustin tries offering himself up to take the remaining five lashes, but MJF isn’t having it. He tells Dustin to get out of his ring and watch like everybody else. Dustin walks over to give Cody one final message before exiting the ring. MJF smashes Cody with two back-to-back lashes, leaving three more. MJF taunts Cody as Arn and Dustin try to provide verbal encouragement from ringside.

Now Nick and Matt Jackson, The Young Bucks, push past the crowd watching on. They approach Cody, who has now rolled out to the floor in pain. He pounds the mat to hype himself up and gets back into the ring. Cody stands and waits for his final three. MJF gets in his face instead. Cody, knowing he can’t touch MJF, is seething with anger as he waits for his final lashes. Finally one comes in followed by MJF loudly yelling “stay down b*tch!”

Cody is selling that one big time as the announcers talk about some of the lacerations and welts he has sustained as a result of the lashes with the leather belt. Finally, he stops in his tracks and does the “just bring it” gesture to MJF. He waits for his final tw and now Wardlow takes his coat off. It looks like he’s going to deliver the final two. Dustin, who offered to take the lashes for him, yells from the floor that he’s not allowed to have someone else deliver them.

Regardless, Wardlow winds up and steps into a big shot, blasting Cody with a really solid shot that floors him. Close-ups from the camera shows Cody’s back and arms starting to turn as red as sin, with blood showing in spots and welts / lacerations turning up in others. Cody lays there hurting while his wife Brandi Rhodes now approaches the ring. She gets close enough to encourage Cody, telling him he only has one more to take and promising him that he can do this.

The fans make some noise as Cody returns to his feet. As soon as he does he turns around into the tenth and final lash with the belt. Cody is beaten to a bloody, swollen pulp but he did it. Wardlow sneaks in a cheap shot and sprints away, as he and MJF head to the back through the crowd. The announcers point out that MJF’s demeanor is one of being enraged and upset, thinking there was no way Cody could endure this. That would’ve meant the end of their match at AEW Revolution, however Cody pulled through and the fight is still on.

That will do it for this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite, as the cameras pan the crowd one final time as J.R. takes us off the air.

Thanks for joining us, make sure to stop back next website — same bat time, same bat channel.

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