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Jeff Hardy vs. Elias added to WWE Hell in a Cell
AEW’s Jake Hager returning to Bellator MMA for October 29th fight
Jordan Omogbehin appears as AJ Styles’ bodyguard on WWE Raw
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WON NEWSLETTER: October 19, 2020 Observer Newsletter: WWE Draft, G1 Climax 30
A look at the WWE draft is the lead story in the new issue of the Wrestling Observer.
We look at the different moves made, why they were made, look at the depth charts with both brands to see what is and isn’t lacking, talk the return of talent, talent being kept apart, the whys behind some moves, and the rosters of both brands.
The new issue also covers:
The G1 Climax tournament, with match-by-match coverage of every show this past week, with star ratings and poll results. We look at the quality of shows, matches being built up, who have been the stars and best matches of the tournament.
The Cena wedding, how much Linda McMahon has donated to Trump’s campaign, lots of WWE injury updates, Lawsuit updates, Total Bellas notes, U.K TV ratings, new WWE documentary, how wrestling stacks up to other sports on TV, WWE filming an indie star for documentary, upcoming TV bouts, WWE market value, a new WWE book, and the most-watched shows on the WWE Network this past week.
Saturday’s UFC show from Abu Dhabi and the ramifications of the top matches.
A feature on Len Rossi, one of the biggest stars in Tennessee and Alabama from 1958 to 1972, his career in the ring, his life after wrestling, his tag team partners and most well-known angles. It’s a look back at a unique era of pro wrestling and how Rossi was a key to change in a unique time.
The indictment of the former Alberto Del Rio on a sexual assault and kidnapping case.
Results of all the major pro wrestling events around the world over the past week.
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During his promo on Raw last night, Mustafa Ali was officially revealed as the SmackDown hacker. Ali being the hacker was worked into his current storyline as the leader of RETRIBUTION, with Ali saying his power is creating chaos. Ali said he did it because he wants the entire world to know that WWE is infecting everyone with greed and corruption. Ali said good people are being forgotten, but he found them, united them, and promised them that their truth will be heard. RETRIBUTION had lost an eight-man tag against The Hurt Business earlier in last night’s show and were laid out by The Fiend after that match.
“The Search” by NF debuted as the new theme song for Raw last night.
Last Friday’s SmackDown averaged 2.124 million viewers in the final ratings, up from the overnight number of 1.987 million viewers.
Elias spoke to Sports Illustrated about the torn pectoral muscle that had kept him out of action since May: “I don’t know if my chest will ever look the same that it was, but I feel strong. When this happened, it sounded like a piece of paper getting ripped in half. But my strength is back. I’ve been training in the ring; I feel good and I’m ready.”
Seth Rollins, Lilian Garcia, Diamond Dallas Page, and Damian Priest will be guests on tomorrow morning’s episode of WWE’s The Bump.
Stephanie McMahon tweeted about WWE being named Corporation of the Year in the PRNEWS CSR & Nonprofit Awards: “So proud of the @WWECommunity team & all their hard work to make @WWE the 2020 Corporation of the Year at this year’s @PRNews CSR & Nonprofit Awards! WWE’s mission is to put smiles on faces & it could not be done without the hard work & passion of this incredible team!”
AEW’s Jake Hager then responded to Stephanie: “Lmao. I guess lying about over 37 million in quarterly profits , so you can fire over 300 people, during a worldwide pandemic is a category for an award? @AndrewYang”
WWE has been named a finalist for 17 Cynopsis Digital Awards.
WWE announced their virtual meet and greet options for Hell in a Cell weekend.
Sasha Banks appeared on this week’s episode of The New Day’s Feel the Power podcast.
Drake Maverick is the guest on today’s episode of Uncool with Alexa Bliss.
WWE’s YouTube channel uploaded The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon in a Hell in a Cell match from WrestleMania 32, Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry in a steel cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship from Royal Rumble 2012, and Randy Orton vs. Sheamus in a Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship from Hell in a Cell 2010.
Other Wrestling
Darby Allin posted part of a video with Steve-O from Jackass that will air on AEW Dynamite tomorrow.
Kris Statlander told Wrestling Inc about her recovery from ACL surgery: “I’m doing pretty good. I think from what I’ve heard overall is that I might be a little bit ahead of others where I’m at right now, but I still have a real long way to go before I can re-debut basically and get back in the ring before I’m debuting again obviously, and I’m going to want to be training a little bit before. So I’ll be able to get in the ring before you’ll see me back on TV. It could be another eight months or so.”
Jon Moxley appeared on the UFC 254 preview edition of The Fight Game Podcast with Garrett Gonzales and Justin Knipper.
Moxley spoke about his experience at Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport during GCW’s The Collective: “I had a ball. That was such a fun, fun experience all around. I stayed in a different hotel than anybody, I had my own dressing room, I didn’t come into contact with anybody that wasn’t tested. Josh Barnett, Erik Hammer, Kal [Jak]. I was basically in and out pretty quickly, you know? So I wasn’t hanging around that whole Collective weekend or anything, although I did watch a lot of it on FITE TV. But, couple hours I was there, it was a great, fun experience. It’s just wrestling man. Just get in there and wrestle, just fun. It was a great atmosphere, great opponent in Chris Dickinson, physicality. Just loved every second of it.”
Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang will appear on this Wednesday’s episode of Talk is Jericho and will discuss politics and wrestling. Santana & Ortiz will be the guests on Talk is Jericho this Friday and will talk about the Inner Circle and their Parking Lot Fight against Best Friends from last month.
Spectrum Sports 360’s Jon Alba tweeted about the COVID-19 testing at MLW’s recent TV tapings: “A source tells me the recent #MLW TV tapings went very well, with the last COVID-19 testings coming back clean. Nearly 80 tests, all negative. I know some were worried with so many traveling to different promotions the past few weeks, but was told MLW had strong safety measures.”
Kia Stevens shared a letter that GLOW’s women of color cast members sent to the powers that be at GLOW a couple of months before the show was canceled. The letter outlined issues of representation and how characters of color have been less fleshed out and dimensional on the show.
While appearing on Busted Open Radio, James Storm discussed the recent in-ring training session he had with Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne: “It was just a one-day deal, it wasn’t like I’ve been going out there forever. I went out there for the Primetime Live pay-per-view and one of my buddies has a training school and I guess Ronda and Travis have been going there. He mentioned to Ronda that I was in town and she was like, ‘Tell him to come by, see if he’ll work out.’ I said yeah. I went to the undisclosed location and got in the ring and worked out with her. I’ve always been kinda old school when it comes to intergender wrestling, ‘can a woman really work with a man?’ When she was across the ring from me, I was like, ‘Yeah, I don’t really want to be across the cage from her.’ She was showing me some of her Judo throws and I was like, ‘Jesus.’ It’s all in the hips. When I was talking to her and trying to explain to her that Mr. Perfect would always tell me ‘the most important move in the match is the move in-between moves.’ It took me forever to realize what that was, but basically, when you put someone down, that brief reaction from the crowd and you can control them just by looking at them. I told her, especially in WWE, they’re all about facials. Watch Jeff Hardy. We got in the ring and I was showing her different stuff, it was a lot of fun.”
Yahoo Sports has a story on Ken Shamrock’s journey to the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame.
Newsday interviewed Brian Myers.
Daily Pro Wrestling History: AJ Styles wins TNA title at Bound for Glory 2013
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