FEUD TRACKER – AEW: Detailed overview current feuds in AEW involving Omega, Moxley, Pac, Cody, Darby, Taz, Kingston




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New Developments: A contract signing was supposed to take place between Moxley and Omega, cementing their title match on the December 2nd episode of Dynamite. As Omega waited in the ring for Moxley, it was revealed on the big screen that Moxley had been brutally attacked. Tony Schiavone declared Moxley wouldn’t be able to come to the ring and asked Omega for his thoughts. Omega smugly said, “you’re not getting out of this one, Jon” and showed no concern for Moxley at all. Omega left the ring as medics attended to Moxley in the back.

Highs & Lows: Omega said little but came across cold and calloused. He desperately needed a change this in direction. Moxley has defined himself as the epitome of a babyface world champion by taking on all challengers. His promos have emphasized what the world title means to him and his family. Omega’s new, smug demeanor opposes Moxley perfectly.

Start of Feud: November 7th, 2020

Forecast & Prediction: Omega should be revealed as Moxley’s attacker. It should also be revealed that Moxley suffered an injury in the attack which will handicap him in his title defense. Omega should beat Moxley for the world title and have a long reign as a self-entitled, heel world champion.



New Developments: After a match between Pac and The Blade, Eddie Kingston and his family attacked PAC in the ring. Rey Fenix tried to make the save but was beaten down as well. Pentagon Jr. entered the ring with a steel chair and Kingston instructed him to hit Pac. Pentagon attacked Butcher and The Blade with the chair and The Death Triangle reformed.

Highs & Lows: Pac vs. Kingston is a fresh match-up. AEW needed a more defined upper-mid card level on its roster. This is a great example of how wrestlers at that level can stay relevant without being on a title hunt. The members of each faction involved do feel a bit random, but that doesn’t take much away from the feud itself.

Start of Feud: November 19th, 2020

Forecast & Prediction: Since AEW is likely to have a heel world champion, Pac should emerge from this feud as the clean winner and be built as a challenger to Omega. Kingston can suffer the loss without damage and even go on to turn face later.


New Developments: Brian Cage and Ricky Starks defeated Cody and Darby in the main event of Dynamite. After the match, Team Taz beat Allin down in the ring. Will Hobbs ran Starks and Cage off, only to attack Cody with the TV title belt. Starks, Cage, and Taz entered the ring and celebrated with Hobbs as the newest member of Team Taz.

Highs & Lows: Taz is starting to shine as a heel manager. Hobbs is a great addition to Team Taz, as he adds more size and strength to back up Taz as he runs his mouth. Also, this prolongs the breakout of Hobbs as a babyface, which should happen later. Hobbs can eventually turn on Taz which will solidify him in that role.

Start of Feud: November 7th, 2020

Forecast & Prediction: With so many wrestlers involved, there are several options in play. Cody and Darby can find a teammate and challenge Team Taz. Hobbs can be the next opponent for Cody. Allin can defend the TV title against Hobbs, Cage, or Starks. Whatever occurs, there’s plenty of matches both for Dynamite and future pay-per-views to look forward to.


  • Hangman Page vs. The Elite – Dormant
  • Chris Jericho vs. Mike Tyson – Forgotten
  • Cody vs. Jake Hager – Concluded
  • Hikaru Shida vs. Penelope Ford – Concluded
  • Jon Moxley vs. Brian Cage – Concluded
  • Britt Baker vs. Tony Schiavone – Dormant
  • Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage – Dormant
  • Brodie Lee vs. Cody – Concluded
  • Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer – Concluded
  • Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston – Concluded
  • The Young Bucks vs. FTR – Concluded

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