Bret Hart attacked by fan during HOF ceremony

Bret “Hit Man” Hart was attacked at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony while he was giving the speech alongside Natalya.
The live WWE Network feed quickly faded to black before it came back online after a few seconds. The individual who attacked Bret jumped him from behind but Drew McIntyre, Big Show, Braun Strowman, Ronda Rousey and her husband Travis Browne, Titus O’Neil, Beth Phoenix, Curtis Axel, TJ Wilson, The New Day, Edge, Drake Maverick, Heath Slater, and many others all jumped in aid of Bret and Natalya as the fan was held down before he was taken out by security.
Fans chanted “lock him up” and “asshole” as security escorted him out of the building…but not before those in the ring got in on the action by “lending a hand.” Dash Wilder also threw in a punch at the guy that seemingly knocked him on the floor while he was being moved out. 205 Live GM Drake Maverick got on the microphone and told everyone to settle down and to get the show back on track. A calm, but clearly shaken Hart continued where he left off to a big ovation from fans.
The British Bulldog’s daughter tweeted…

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